Azerbaijani cuisine is rich in soups and stews – piti, bozbash, dovga and dushbara, to name but a few.
Typical of many Azerbaijani soups is the use of different varieties of dried plum and prune to add a fruity zest to the flavour.
1 whole chicken
100 g short-grain rice
7-8 pcs dried plums
50 g chickpeas
salt and pepper
Soak the chickpeas overnight (10 to 12 hours) in cold water. Rinse the peas and change the water. Simmer for one to two hours, until soft.
Rinse and divided into pieces the chicken and simmer in a generous amount approximately 45 minutes with added salt. Skim off any foam that forms on top of the pan.
Take the chicken out of the water. Strain the water, which has now become bouillon, into another saucepan. Bring the bouillon to the boil, add 4 to 5 threads of saffron, salt & pepper (if it is not salted enough) and the rice. Cook for 15 minutes.
Add the chickpeas and dried plums and cook for another 15 minutes until the rice is soft.
Add the cooked chicken, taken off the bone, and simmer for a couple of minutes.
Serve in bowls with the finely chopped herbs on top.
Nush Olsun! Enjoy your meal!
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