To 2 persons
1 Cup = 220 ml
1 cup of Basmati Rice to 2 persons
3 cup of water
2 tea spoon of salt
100 gr. Butter (not oil)
15 thread of saffron
Begin with the rice from evening before preparing. Rinse the rice in cold water several times to remove excess starch. Pour cold water into the bowl with the cleaned rice. Let it be min. 8 hours or overnight.
Before you begin with rice cooking, about 1-2 hours before, prepare saffron extract. Put a few threads of saffron in a cup and add boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse.
Fill a large, heavy pot with water and add salt. Bring to the boil. Add the rice to the boiling water. Cook the rice approx. 5-10 minutes. Be careful not to cook for too long or the finished rice will be sticky. To see if the rice is ready, take a couple of grains out of the pot and test them on your finger. The grain should be soft on the outside, but still firm on the inside. When you bite into the grain or break it with a finger nail, the hard white interior should still be visible.
Strain the rice through a rice colander.
Take the same pot, put some butter in the bottom of the pot and put gazmakh or lavash. I will explain how you can do gazmakh in another recipe. You can also use potatoes instead of gazmakh or lavash. Add the parboiled rice into the pot. Put several knobs of butter on top. Make holes in the rice with the handle of a wooden spoon to allow the steam to escape. Place a well-fitting lid on top of the pot, covered underneath with a clean tea towel. The towel helps to absorb the steam. Set the cooker on the lowest flame. After 5-10 minutes open the pot, put remaining butter on the rice, pour saffron extract and place the lid again on the pot.
Continue steaming of the rice for 45-60 minutes. Plov is ready, when the rice is stuck out.
Serve Plov on a large dish. Pour the golden rice on the top of remaining rice. The rice should be an attractive combination of yellow and white. Serve the qazmaq in pieces on top of the rice or separately. Plov serveddifferentfries, f.x. sebzi-govurma.
Nush Olsun! Enjoy your meal!
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